Desk Correction Yoga

What is Desk Correction Yoga?

A Yoga class focusing on the general well-being of our students, members and staff. This soothing flow of postures will help to relieve the stress and tension across the shoulders and improve the posture caused by prolonged desk work/study.

Is Desk Correction for me?

The Desk Correction workout is suitable for those who are new to yoga or do not have much yoga experience, it can also be suitable for intermediate students who wish to focus on opening the shoulders.This all-body class that will give you the opportunity to strengthen and condition, but also to empower your mind by not forgetting the spiritual meditation part of yoga, which brings your body and mind into stillness.

Fitness level

The Yoga instructor will demonstrate postures, help you focus and correct your alignment. Attendees will be also provided with posture alternatives if they find it difficult to do the full pose or have injuries. Please notify our qualified teachers if you have any injuries or medical conditions so that they can provide modifications of postures, specifically if you have any knee, shoulder or spinal injuries.