Pad Workout

What is Pad Workout?

Sculpt your body and get your muscles moving with this great high-energy class that teaches traditional boxing techniques using pads and gloves. Inspired by the well-known combat sport which originates from Mesopotamia and the Sumerians, this workout will help you better coordinate your main muscle groups working at a fast pace over a set period of time.

Is it for me?

If you would like to embrace a workout that will keep you fully focused during the whole time, this class is worth considering as you will be challenged to work hard and improve your boxing technique. As a result, you can expect to learn how to keep your mind sharp, your abs flat and your muscles well-defined.

During each pad workout, you will be encouraged to perform a wide range of energetic movements including right hooks, uppercuts and knee strikers. By enhancing your cardiovascular health, you are also likely to improve your body strength and composition, develop your hand-eye coordination and relieve stress.

Fitness level

Please consult your doctor before starting this workout if you have any injuries or medical conditions.